I’m a free flow writer

My writing style is everywhere and all over the place. I do not pay attention to grammar or sentence structure. I post stories, delete stories, edit, grow and shorten as I please. Writing like this helps me break the limits of knowledge and structure which stifles my growth.

I need to be able to be wrong so I can understand right. I need to be incorrect so I can correct. The standard of perfection prevents beautiful mistakes and my writing is filled with that. Having said this, whenever I post writing I will revist that post and improve, correct, change or punctualize as time permits. I will always post my raw writing as cringy and incorrect as it maybe be. I will evolve it over time even months adding and changing. If I self publish it then know I’m comfortable with the final product.

Geraldine Rauscher

List of Short Stories


By Geraldine Rauscher




Pick up small rocks.

Throw them into a bush or a stream.

Watch them disappear.


Pick up small rocks.

Can you make a small pile?

How many do you have?


Skipping rocks on water.

Tic tac toe with rocks,

You must have found many.


Place on on the floor.

Jump over it.

Place another on the floor

Jump over it.


Stack them up.

Can you build with them?

Flat rocks are needed,

Time to go on a hunt.


Rocks are not hard to find,

But are often overlooked.

Because they are everywhere,

Many times they don’t seem special.


Little things

With many possibilities

Small does not mean limited

Limited does not mean small.

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List of Stories


By Geraldine Rauscher

A hiker walked passed a certain trail in a forest every week.

One day he saw, laying on the floor, a pile of sticks. There were five sticks in all, each one smaller than the next. Instictively he crouched down and picked up the sticks. He stuck them in the dirt, in a straight line, in descending order.

He got up, looked at his line of sticks for a second, satisfied at his creation he continued his walk. Every week he would pass by his sticks.

One day as he was passing by his sticks he noticed they were in a different order. Someone had come along and rearranged the sticks.

There was a slight sadness that over came him. He removed the sticks from the ground and held them in his palm for a few seconds and with a sudden smile he flung the sticks into the air.

The hiker watched as the sticks landed and became lost amongst the many sticks on the forest grounds. “Just sticks…” he whispered to himself and continued his hike.


By Geraldine Rauscher

The hen sat on the egg because she knew it would hatch.

The hen sat on the egg because she knew it would hatch.

The hardest part about it all was not the hatching of the egg, but the anticipation of the hatching of the egg.

The hen sat on the egg because she knew it would hatch.

She sat through the rain.

She sat through the wind.

She sat through clouds.

She sat through the cold.

The hen sat on the egg because she knew it would hatch.

The hardest part about it all was not the hatching of the egg, but the anticipation of the hatching of the egg.

Knowing and not yet receiving was the hardest.

If the hen knew the egg would not hatch, she would not sit . But she knew it would hatch so she sat on the egg.

The hardest part about it all was not the hatching of the egg, but the anticipation of the hatching of the egg.

But because she KNEW the egg woud hatch, the hen sat on the egg.




The hen sat on the egg because she knew it would hatch.

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List of all stories

List of All Stories on Blog

Below are a list of all the short stories and activities I have written on this blog. They are in alphabetical order.

*Stories with * are moved to the front and are ones people have told me they liked.

*The Ant and the Giraffe

*One Flower



Color Within the Lines

By Geraldine Rauscher

A teacher instructed her classroom to all color a circle drawn on a sheet of paper she’d pass out.

She gave specific directions. Color within the lines and only use a green crayon she provided.

After the class was done, the teacher began collecting each piece. There were a wide variety of ways each child colored the circle. Some were colored darker, some lighter. Some were colored with horizontal strokes, some with vertical and some with both. Some were colored at a diagonal slants. Some were colored in any and every direction.

The teacher was getting ready to collect the last piece, when she noticed the child had not finished coloring.

“Do you need more time,” she asked the child?

“No, I’m done,” said the child.

“But, you have not finished coloring,” said the teacher.

“Yes, I have. I drew a smaller circle in the middle and colored that circle. I’m done,” said the child.

The teacher stared at the picture not quite understanding.

“My hands shake,” said the child. “I didn’t want to mess up and go outside the line. I made my own circle within the circle, so I would have space for my shaking. See here and here,” the child pointed to areas she went outside her drawn circle.

“It’s ok?” asked the child.

Heavier Bricks

By Geraldine Rauscher

“Lift the heavy bricks first,” said the father to the son.

“But Father the small rocks are easier to move first,” replied the son.

“Let the small rocks be your reward for doing what is harder first,” said the father.

“Reward? But it is still work Father,” replied the son.

“As you get older you will learn to appreciate the little things you have to do because you have a reference of more difficult times,” said the father.

“Father…are you talking about your history and how hard you’ve worked?” asked the son.

“No, I’m talking about your future. I want to teach you to work hard now so you won’t have to work as hard later, understanding you’ve dealt with what is hard so you can be left with what is easy,” said the father.

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The Ant and the Giraffe

By Geraldine Rauscher

Ant: How high can you see?

Giraffe: Very High

A: How far can you see?

G: Very far.

A: How much can you see?

G: Too much to measure.

A: How big is the world?

G: Very big…but only because I can see high, far and much.  Your world is just as big as mine.

A: How so, I can not see high places, I can not see past obstacles…many times I can only see right in front of me.

G:Mmm…than you can see all things.

A: You are the one who sees all things…you are taller. You see past all my tiny obstacles. I am limited to what I can climb over, under and sit on top.

G: Exactly, you see obstacles where I say there is none. What is simple for me to move, is impossible for you. So you create ways, paths and opportunities around impossibilities. This is sight. I do not have this.

A: Do you wish to see as me?

G: No, I wish to be in you presence and learn.

A: If you share the great and far things you see, than I will share the tiny obstacles you do not see.

G:Agreed, it is better to add than to subtract. I will take you higher and you will bring me lower. In both cases we gain.

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Mirror Love

By Geraldine Rauscher

This is an activity. You will need to be in a place where you can gather all materials below. I would encourage all readers to actually do this activity as it will be more alive.

Materials Needed

1. Standard size paper

2. Pen or pencil (something to write with)

3. A mirror big enough to reflect the standard size paper. (Going to your restroom/bathroom and using that mirror would probably be best.)


1. Grab your pen or pencil. In the middle of the page write the word love (use decently large lower case letters).

2. Take the paper and place it infront of the mirror. You should be able to read the word in the reflection.

3. Read out loud the letters reflected in the mirror from *left to right.*

4. If you got up to got to a bathroom return to a place where you can sit and write. Write anywhere on the same paper 3 words that begin with the letters e.v.o.l. If a words is plural or in a different tense it counts as a whole new word. Do not look at step 5 till you complete this step. No problem if you can’t think of any or if only one comes to mind

5. Evolve





  *Evolution/evolve was the word I was hoping you’d write.

The mirroring of love is the beginning of evolution.

The beginning of evolution is the mirroring of love.

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By Geraldine Rauscher

There are many many types of apples in the world

Some are red

Some are green

Some are yellow

Some are orange

Some have swirls of colors

Some have one solid color

Some are tart

Some are sweet

Some are crispy

While others are softer…

There are many types of apples just as there are many types people

While the outside of an apple can indicate the inside

Many times we have to get a taste of a persons world

Through their world you see what they truly have inside

Whenever, if ever you find an apple you like, hold on to it. Good apples are hard to find.

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